Friday 27 February 2009

Climate change debate from Plenary Wednesday 25th

Leanne Wood: As we are all aware, plans for a significant new power station have been approved for Milford Haven without there being a requirement for it to include a combined heat and power capability. That means that a huge amount of the heat that will be generated by the plant, which could have been piped into local homes and businesses, will be wastefully pumped into the air. I understand that the responsibility for consenting to the new power station lies with the Westminster Government, but it contradicts and undermines your efforts to cut carbon emissions in Wales as Assembly Minister for the environment. Do you agree that it is disappointing that the opportunity to use the heat has been missed, and do you share my concerns about the difficulty of getting people to change their behaviour and reduce their individual carbon emissions when the UK Government makes decisions such as that?

Jane Davidson: It is true to say that the Assembly Government’s policy is to have combined heat and power outcomes on any new power station. However, it is not fair to say that there is no combined heat and power capability in the proposal because one of its conditions is that it can be introduced if a client is found. Therefore, it is imperative that we, as the Assembly Government, see whether we can find a client.

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