Sunday 2 January 2011

Wales wins praise for waste law

"We bin 10 Wembleys full of food a year – what a waste of energy" says the headline in today's Independent on Sunday in an article by Kate Youde. "Wales has shown the way by collecting and reusing kitchen rubbish, but most UK councils lag behind"

Its not mentioned in the article, but Wales's success on this front is down to the Environment and Waste measure which set Welsh waste targets. The measure came about after a wait of almost three years for the Environment Legislative Competence Order which had to be granted by Westminster before the Assembly was free to legislate.

The referendum on the Assembly's law-making powers which takes place on March 3rd will get rid of the costly and cumbersome LCO system, which requires us to ask Westminster's permission before laws which only affect Wales can be made. Why not make it your new year's resolution to vote YES for Wales in March?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In Ireland we take our own waste by car to free communal recycling centres which accept paper/plastic (for compression in a machine), food cans, drink cans, clear, green and brown glass. Collection Bins are also available for recycled waste with vouchers attached on collection bought at retail outlets.